Introducing New Templates

We are thrilled to announce our new web templates, designed to elevate your marketing efforts. Whether building a website, creating a sales funnel, or sending email campaigns, our versatile and user-friendly templates have you covered. Fully customizable and professional, they streamline your workflow, saving you time and letting you focus on engaging your audience and […]

Chat Widget Upgrade 😇

We are excited to introduce a significant upgrade to the Chat Widget custom theme color – two new text color options within the custom theme settings for chat widget typography. Users can now customize the text color for the chat widget header message and the welcome message. 😇 Key Points: This update is based on […]

Voice billing and security changes

⚙️Enhancements Billing and Reconciliation Voice billing and security changes: we’re now fetching charges from an API instead of using a static database. This increases our billing accuracy, efficiency, and stability and reduces lag in wallet debits Security Voicemail spam: voicemail sometimes gets spammed with long voicemails leading to unnecessary storage charges. We will now limit […]

WhatsApp: Voice Note

We are excited to announce the launch of a highly requested feature: WhatsApp Voice Notes. This powerful addition allows you to send voice notes to your customers directly from the CRM, enhancing communication and personalizing interactions. 👀 What’s New? Note: Voice notes can be sent to your customer only when there is an open service […]